3 Things You Shouldn’t Be Doing When Trying to Rank a Blog Post

Getting your blog post to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs) can be a challenge. There are so many different things you need to consider if you want to be successful. According to SEO agency Melbourne, there are certain practices that you should avoid if you want to get your blog post to rank higher in SERPs. In this blog post, we will discuss three things you should not be doing when trying to rank a blog post. We’ll talk about why these practices aren’t helpful and what you can do instead to get your blog post to rank higher.


1. Don’t try to stuff keywords

When it comes to trying to rank a blog post, it’s important to keep in mind that stuffing keywords into the content won’t help. In fact, it can do more harm than good. Not only will it make your content seem robotic and unnatural, it will also have a negative impact on your SEO score and can even lead to penalties from Google.

For better SEO results, focus on creating content that is natural, relevant, and engaging. When you use targeted keywords appropriately and sparingly throughout your post, you will be able to get the ranking boost you are looking for without sacrificing the quality of your content. Additionally, utilizing other optimization techniques such as proper title tags, meta descriptions, and internal links will help to boost the SEO score of your blog post.

When you’re creating a blog post, the first thing you need to do is decide what type of post it is. There are several types of posts and each one requires a different strategy.

For example, when you’re creating a blog post that’s going to rank well in search engines, you need to write for humans. The reason is that humans are hungry for information and they’ll find your content if they like it. Robots won’t click on your content unless it’s very unique or interesting — and even then, they might not click on it at all! In other words, robots don’t care about quality content as much as humans do.


2. Don’t write for robots, write for humans

At the end of the day, your primary goal is to get people to engage with your content. You’ll want to make sure that they’re getting value out of it and that they’re actually making an action (e.g., clicking on a link, sharing on social media).

That means you should write with the reader in mind. If you’re writing for someone who isn’t interested in this topic or who doesn’t know much about it, chances are they won’t be able to understand what you’re saying or why it’s relevant. That’s why it’s important to learn how to write for humans — not just robots!


3. Don’t use too many affiliates’ links

This is because Google has made it very clear that if there are too many affiliate links in one article, then they will penalize the page for being spammy.

In fact, they won’t even count your page as “publishable” until it has been indexed by Googlebot (the robot that crawls all pages), so if you want your website to rank well in search engine results, then be sure not to overdo it with affiliate links! If someone clicks on one of your affiliate links, and then buys something from you and spends money on it, then they will tend to be more likely to click on other affiliate links by that same company in the future. That’s not what we want! We want them to come back here for more content!

What we should be doing instead is creating high quality content that people want, rather than just trying to sell them something. The more unique and interesting content you create, the more likely it is that people will want to continue reading what you have written without clicking through an affiliate link first.

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